My First Open Studio Event 2022
The Placer Arts Studio Tour
In August of 2022 I signed up to participate in the open studio event, Placer Artists Studio Tour . This was the first time I have done this type of in-person showing of my work. The event ran for 3 days, November 11, 12 and 13, from 10 am to 5 pm each day. There was a small participation fee and required some volunteer work for the organization.
One of my volunteer stints was at the local Apple Festival and my day’s partner and I were set up in an apple orchard to hand out pamphlets and talk about the artists tour. During that afternoon I finished a painting “plein air” and used a windfall apple cut in half as a stamp for part of my mark making!
A second 3 day showing was possible but I decided not to work the 6 full days showing. I needed the experience of showing “live” as it were, first.
My studio is fairly small so my husband and I decided we would make part of our garage into my gallery. That involved moving of tools, removing hooks, some wall patching, and painting, of course.
The garage was already divided into two by a long wall of wire shelving. We chose to hang a large painters canvas to cover the shelving. We weren’t sure how we’d hang paintings on it but knew an idea would present itself.
The next step was the curation of my work to fit the space. My good friend Linda was there to help; she has a good eye and the gave the added bonus of making a cold day fun. Sondra, one of my mentors came by and gave us the solution to the canvas wall. String a wire tightly across the top and hang the works from thin line to the wanted height! Brilliant! Thanks, Sondra.
Show time!
The opening day was bright, SUNNY and cold. I didn’t have a lot of visitors but what visitors I did have just made me so happy. They oo-ed and aw-ed over my work, commenting especially on the colors.
Day two was overcast and COLD! And it was busy! Friends, neighbors and others came by. It was so exciting to see all these neighbors, friends, new faces and art lovers. It was so wonderful hearing and reading their comments. Comments like,
“Lovely paintings!”
“Amazing color and vibrancy” From Candi B.
“Love you work - your colors and designs are wonderful.” From Muriel S.
“Love everything!” from Pat B.
To top it off, over the three days I sold 9 paintings! I was so thrilled and felt so good that people responded so positively to my work.
If I had any doubts about my being an artist this event has put those thoughts right into bed and right out of my psyche.
I had so much fun and so enjoyed interacting with others as they viewed my work that I have decided to begin to enter art fairs and festivals.
So stay tuned for the adventure!
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